What Are The 7 Chakras And Their Meaning?
We live in a big world, a world perceived less or more, which is created from sphere particles. The sphere substance may take different forms depending on the energy released.
As each chemical element consists of atoms – have some energy or vibration – the human body is created the same way. We are mostly composed of water (70%) and the smaller part (30%) of solid substance, so we can conclude that we are the most complex “chemical compound” on the planet, a true engineering jewel.
Knowing that each chemical element is composed of atoms that have energy, we can easily imagine how much energy may human body release.
Just as the atomic energy is not perceived by the human eye (physical eye), the same way the energy emitted by the body is not perceived by the physical eye, but the man has several senses and there are other ways in which we may perceive the human energy.
Ancient teachings describe the man as being composed of a physical body and an ethereal part. The link between the physical body and the ethereal part is made through the chakras (Sanskrit “chakra” means “wheel”). The chakras are energy vortexes of the human body (spirals).
There are 7 main chakras through which the energy (light) runs.
They are located along the spine (from the head to the base of the spine – coccyx), in the main points of the central nervous system (sacral, lumbar, thoracic, cervical). The concept of chakra can be found in both Hinduism and Buddhism.
The Seven Chakras and their Meanings
The seven main chakras are represented either in the form of a wheel or in the form of a flower (lotus), each chakra corresponding to a certain color from the color spectrum and to specific functions.
In the following, you can find details about each chakra and its importance.
Sahasrara Chakra
SAHASRARA, or the crown chakra, is the 7th chakra, the chakra of pure consciousness.
This chakra corresponds with the pituitary gland, which generates hormones with the help of which it communicates with the rest of the endocrine system and connects to the central nervous system via the hypothalamus.
It is also called “lotus with a thousand petals” and is located at the top of the head (parietal area).
The 7th chakra has the corresponding colors purple or gold and is correlated with the wisdom and death of the physical body. Sahasrara is responsible for the release of karma, the physical state of meditation, representing The Universal Energy Source and The Collective Consciousness.
BALANCE: unity with the divine knowledge, abandonment of ego against universal good, the feeling of connecting with everything.
IMBALANCE: mental effects – an inability to eliminate fear and anxiety, an inability of viewing, depression, disbelief in the divine spirit, fear of everything which is spiritual, confusion, apathy/physical effects – a severe headache.
ELEMENT: Divine.
AROMATHERAPY: oils of lavender, musk, lotus.
CRISTAL: amethyst, quartz transparent.
Ajna Chakra
AJNA or “the third eye” is the 6th chakra. We can find it in the center of the forehead, and it is the correspondent of the pineal gland, a gland sensitive to light which holds the hormone called melatonin, responsible for regulating the sleep state – Sleep – vigilance. It also controls the visual sense, nose, ears, and sinuses.
It is symbolized by a lotus with two petals and has the chromatic correspondent white, indigo, or dark blue. Ajna governs thinking, seeing inner visions and dreams, and spiritual knowledge. It is considered the center of psychic force.
BALANCE: advanced state of spiritual consciousness characterized by the expression of intuition and consciousness in everyday life.
IMBALANCE: mental effects – focuses only on the individual metaphysical and intelligent aspects, ignoring, refusing to meet spiritual concepts, fear of intuition/ physical effects – headaches, nightmares, hallucinations.
AROMATHERAPY: patchouli oils of peppermint, rosemary.
CRISTAL: azure, sodalite, aventurine blue, lapis lazuli, sugilite, opal, fluoride, sapphire blue.
Vishuddha Chakra
Vishuddha or ”the throat chakra” is the 5th chakra. It is located in the neck, parallel to the thyroid gland, which secretes thyroid hormones responsible for growth and maturation. It controls speech, hearing, vibration, and communication.
It also coordinates thyroid glands, parathyroid, hypothalamus and neck, esophagus, vocal cords, tongue, and mouth hole.
At an emotional level – independent mental – thinking fluency, spiritual – sense of security. It is symbolized by the sixteen lotus petals and has as chromatic colors blue or turquoise.
BALANCE: balance knowledge and understanding speech, expression of silence; trust your intuition, and ability to listen to the inner voice.
IMBALANCE: talk without any meaningless expressions, fear of being judged or rejected, the inability to say “no,” and low communication capacity.
ELEMENT: ether.
AROMATHERAPY oils of sage, chamomile, lavender, eucalyptus, sandalwood.
CRISTAL: chalcedony, azurite, sodalist, turquoise, aquamarine.
Anahata Chakra
ANAHATA, or ”the heart chakra,” is the 4th chakra. It is located in the chest and is associated with the thymus, part of both the immune and the endocrine system.
At the thymus level, the white blood cells, responsible for countering diseases, become mature, thymus being affected by stress. Also, it controls the heart, respiratory system, circulatory system, shoulders, arms, hands, and skin.
Anahata governs lower and upper planes of being, sense of time, the ability to freely love (unconditional), self-respect, forgiveness, compassion, confidence, and hope. It is symbolized by the lotus with twelve petals and has green or pink as chromatic correspondents.
BALANCE: tolerance and unconditional acceptance of life, the perfect balance between material and spiritual plane.
IMBALANCE: emotional – rejection of given love, loneliness, codependency, and distorted emotions/ physical – cardiac and immune system dysfunctions.
AROMATHERAPY: oils of rose and jasmine.
CRISTAL: quartz, green jade, fluorite, green aventurine, malachite, Kunz.
Manipura Chakra
MANIPURA or solar ”the plexus chakra” is the3rd chakra. It is situated under the breastbone, in the solar plexus. It is associated with metabolism and the digestive system. Manipura is considered to be in correspondence with ”Langerhans Islands”, a group of cells located in the pancreas and also with the adrenals glands.
They play an important role in the process of digestion and transform food into energy for the body.
Manipura is responsible for the revitalization of the sympathetic nervous system, vital energy balance, coordination feelings, self-control. This chakra is the control center of the stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine, gall bladder, diaphragm, and muscles.
At a mental level, Manipura governs inner strength, emotional – expansiveness, spiritual – all aspects of growth. It is symbolized by the lotus with ten petals and has as chromatic correspondent the color yellow.
BALANCE: gives the individual a sense of inner peace, tolerance, and acceptance, trust intuition complete.
IMBALANCE: emotional – exacerbating the need to dominate natural energy influx confidence, shyness/ physically – ulcer.
AROMATHERAPY: lavender oil, rosemary, mint, chamomile, lemon;
CRISTAL: citrine, pyrite, tiger eye, labradorite, topaz;
Swadhisthana Chakra
Svadhistana or ”the sacral chakra” is the 2nd chakra. It is located in the sacral base of the spine and is associated with ovaries and testicles, sex hormone-producing glands involved in the reproduction of the species.
It controls the genital area (ovaries, uterus, testicles, and prostate), kidney, bladder, large intestine, spleen and pregnancy, nutrition, muscle tone, assimilation of food, physical strength, and vitality, sexuality, and relationships.
At a mental level, Svadhisthana governs creativity, emotional – joy, and spiritual – enthusiasm. It is symbolized by the lotus with six petals and has as chromatic correspondent the color orange.
BALANCE: the individual is open, friendly, kind, and respects those around him.
IMBALANCE: insecurity, sexual and emotional instability, inability to express true feelings.
AROMATHERAPY: oil rose, jasmine, ylang-ylang, sandalwood.
CRISTAL: coral, carnelian, opal.
Muladhara Chakra
MULADHARA, or ”the root chakra,” is the 1st chakra. It is located between the anus and the sexual organ. It is associated with the survival instinct, security, and vital force.
Although in this area there are no endocrine glands, it influences the adrenals, kidneys, prostate, small intestine, colon, gonads, and the sacral spinal reflex responsible for the fight-or-flight response when survival is threatened.
In this place, there is a muscle that controls ejaculation during intercourse in men. There is a parallel between sperm and egg cells and Kundalini, where genetic code is printed.
Muladhara governs vigor, heredity, security, passion, relationship to the physical world, physical pain or pleasure, and defines the concept of “being” and “being accepted”. Muladhara is symbolized by the lotus with four petals and has as chromatic correspondent the color red.
BALANCE: deep connection with nature and trust in its laws.
IMBALANCE: fear, inability to concentrate and to be calm, loss of interest in life, resentments.
Element: Earth.
AROMATHERAPY: oils birch, cedar, sandalwood, clove, cypress, myrrh.
CRISTAL: ruby, smoky quartz, hematite, jasper, obsidian.
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References https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/home-remedies/what-are-the-7-chakras https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/the-chakras-and-how-to-use https://www.beliefnet.com/wellness/the-complete-guide-to-the-7-chakras