Spiritual meaning of birthmarks, like angel kiss birthmark or apple shaped birthmark:
Hated, despised, and even feared in the dark times of the Middle Ages, birthmarks have been the source of many superstitions and fabulous myths.
Old sayings say they speak of the mother’s unfulfilled desires, but also about the child’s future.
Spaniards and Arabs believed birthmarks are lucky, and if you touch them, they will fulfill your desires.
On the other hand, in medieval France, people believed they were the signs of the devil, and the child touched by demons had to be exorcised.
The Arabs linked the baby’s birthmark to the moon phases or eclipses.
If the pregnant woman had touched a certain part of her body while she was looking at the eclipse, her child would have been marked for life.
From one culture to the other, strange signs appearing on the body of children, often ugly and fearful, have gained various and difficult to explain meanings.
Past Life Memories
In the Orient and in India, where belief in the soul’s journey from one life to another is a true religion, birthmarks have been linked to experiences from past lives.
Shapeless spots that are strongly colored were associated with past sins, which the soul must expiate in this life.
Superstitions say the marks may be scars of the body from the previous life, but also signs of great spiritual suffering.

Beautiful young woman with a large birth mark (naevus flammeus) on her left skin – @Getty
Instead, beautiful moles, that give a special charm to facial features are signs of long life, prosperity, and happy marriage.
In Indian culture, women adorn their foreheads with fake moles of golden or henna dust.
Tips For Future Mothers
Superstitions related to birthmarks have been preserved for centuries, and have even been enriched in modern times with new symbols.
In Bulgaria, the warning was explicit: no stealing or touching the face, otherwise, the child will wear the mark of the stolen item on the face. The pregnant woman must look away if hump-backed or deformed people cross her path.
If the mother looks at that person’s physical flaw for too long, the baby will get an ugly mark on the body.
Also, it wasn’t recommended to take a bite from someone’s apple either since it may cause a birthmark in the shape of a bite on the child’s face.
In the West, it is believed that babies get café au lait spots on their faces because their mothers consumed too much coffee or chocolate during pregnancy.
In German folklore, there is a belief that all pregnant women should take into account: no matter how much they crave fruit or something sweet, they mustn’t steal it, otherwise, their children will be wrongly “marked.”
Good and Bad Predictions

The East is the source of “new” superstitions that have spread in other parts of the world.
They are related to the hidden messages carried by birthmarks.
It is said that the spots on the left side of the body speak of a changing destiny, with many chances and material gains, but also with soul loss.
In contrast, the marks on the right side of the body speak of a quiet and lucky life, with great achievements later in life.
Regardless of the birthmarks’ significance described in folklore, specialists claim that birthmarks are linked neither to the destiny of the child nor the mother’s desires.
In very rare cases, they may be the sign of a tumor, but most often, they are just intensely pigmented areas or clustered blood vessels that have not developed normally.
Types of Birthmarks
Birthmarks are harmless and can rarely signal danger to the child’s health.
They occur frequently, with over 80% of babies being born with particular marks on the body, but most disappear in the first year of life.
Each mark has a unique shape, and the color can vary from pink to crimson and brown.
The “stork bite” appears on the neck and has pink or purple hues. Usually, this type of mark stays for life.
Angel Kiss

Marynka Mandarinka/Shutterstock
“Angel kiss” is a purple or red spot on the baby’s face, commonly found on the cheeks, forehead, or eyelids. They disappear until the child reaches age 3. Angel Kisses may become darker when the child cries. They don’t cause pain or itching. There are some beliefs that Angel Kiss is a gift from heavenly powers.
Café au lait spots can appear anywhere on the body, but they fade with age. They are light brown in color, however, café au lait spots can darken with sun exposure.
Port-wine stains often appear on the head and upper body, on the arms, or on the back. These types of birthmarks rarely disappear over time; most of them become bigger and their color intensifies with age.
Hemangiomas are vascularized excrescences, which increase in the first years of life but withdraw in most cases. Rarely, surgery is required for their removal.
Animal Shapes
Animal-shaped birthmarks may indicate a special connection with the animal kingdom.
The most common marks resemble snakes, cats, rabbits, or birds.
Other birthmarks may resemble an animal’s paw, a feather, or even wings.
Each of these indicates a certain connection with the spirituality of that animal.
Other Meanings Of Birthmarks Depending On Their Location:
passion for travel (men), determination (women)
fear of making decisions (both sexes)
In the middle of the forehead
attractive and courteous
The left side of the forehead
The right side of the forehead
extremely intelligent
Note – the holder of a birthmark on the forehead can become a great statesman, a wise politician, reformer, and diplomat. Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev had such a birthmark, and his actions speak for themselves and have made him famous worldwide.
great health and happiness (both sexes)
left – financial crises; right – good fate (both sexes)
READ MORE: Shoulder Pain Spiritual Meaning
Near the lips
prosperity and happiness
On the back
honesty (both sexes)
Difficult romantic relationships
Left cheek
financial losses and difficulties
Right cheek
happy marriage
fear of being under control (both sexes)
professionally successful
independence (women); family (men)
In the middle of the chest
poverty and misfortune
Under the left breast
successes in everything you do, a great sense of humor (both sexes)
Under the right breast
good fate (both sexes)
The jawline
erratic lifestyle, health problems (both sexes)
creative thinking, unpredictable characteristics (both sexes)
greed and selfishness (both sexes)
Images credit – Shutterstock & Getty Images
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References https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/birthmarks/ https://www.aad.org/public/kids/skin/birthmarks/different-kinds-of-birthmarks
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It is interesting and reality.
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