”Chakra” is a Sanskrit word which literally translates to ”wheel.” A chakra is like a whirling, vortex-like, powerhouse of energy.
There are seven main chakras in the human body which span from the base of the tailbone to the crown of the head, and each one is connected with a different element as well as psychological and physical characteristics.
They also regulate the flow of energy throughout the electrical network which runs through the physical body.
A chakra imbalance and blockage in one or several of the seven major chakras can initiate emotional, mental, physical and/or spiritual ailments.
The practice of Yoga helps in stimulating the flow the energy through the chakras and helps to activate them.
List Of 7 Yoga Poses To Balance Your 7 Major Chakras:
#1 Root Chakra | Crow Pose (Bakasana)![Bakasana](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%201200%201200'%3E%3Crect%20width='1200'%20height='1200'%20style='fill:%23e3e3e3'/%3E%3C/svg%3E)
The official name of this chakra, Muladhara, comes from the Sanskrit words ”Mula,” which translates to ”root” and ”Dhara,” which translates to ”support.”
Root chakra signifies our foundation and feeling of being grounded. It exists at the base of the spine and is connected to the earth element.
Crow Pose is an asana that can help to balance the root chakra.
It also strengthens the forearms, wrist, and abdomen while stretching your upper back.
The crow is also great bang-for-your-buck exercise which will help you strengthen your shoulders and wrists, improve overall body balance and control, and set you up for all sorts of useful skills down the line.
Moreover, the pose helps decrease acidity and heartburn as well as it increases the flexibility of the spine.
Tip – this is a pose to avoid if you have any shoulder or wrist injury or condition, like – carpal tunnel syndrome.
#2 Sacral Chakra | Goddess Pose (Deviasana)
The Sacral chakra is located 3 inches below your navel and on your back near the tail of the spine. The sacral chakra is the 2nd chakra. It is connected with sensuality, the emotional body, and creativity.
Having the sacral chakra in balance is essential to living a fulfilling life and finding happiness – it is the expressive force of your nature.
Goddess pose is a powerful posture for balancing your sacral chakra as well as for stretching the inner thighs and groin. Deviasana also plays a part in enhancing fertility as it balances out the sacral chakra.
Other benefits of practicing Deviasana include the following:
- teaches us the value of a balance between surrender and determination;
- strengthens the muscles of the legs, particularly the small muscles in the knees and ankles;
- improves circulation to the legs and abdominal organs.
Tips – if you have a recent injury in your hips, legs, back, or shoulders, then it is best to avoid Deviasana. Various modifications are possible for Deviasana, like:
- practicing with the back against a wall for support;
- placing the hands on a chair.
#3 Solar Plexus Chakra | Boat Pose (Navasana)
The solar plexus chakra is known as the “lustrous gem” energy center since it shines brightly like the sun when balanced. The chakra is the final of the three main chakras that relate to the physical realm of existence, and it is home to the foretelling “gut instinct.”
Nasavasana is efficient in balancing solar plexus chakra. Other benefits are:
- sharpens patience;
- helps to strengthen lower back over time;
- improves balance, particularly when perched on your tailbone;
- aids in digestion;
- builds core stability and strength.
Tips – you can practice preparation for Navasana periodically throughout your day without even leaving your chair. Also, it is recommended to avoid Navasana when you have diarrhea, headache, asthma, low blood pressure, or are pregnant.
#4 Heart Chakra | Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
Located right in the center of the chest in the heart region, the heart (also known as Anahata) chakra is associated with the element of air and the color green. The heart chakra is home for the exchange of the compassionate energy of love.
Ustrasana is a good pose to practice for balancing the Anahata chakra. Also, this pose stretches the entire front of the body, the ankles, groins, and thighs. Additionally, it improves spinal mobility as much of the day you are likely to be slouching and bending your spine forward.
Tips – make sure you do not hold Ustrasana for more than 20 seconds when you are a beginner. Also, you should not do this pose if you have had an injury to your shoulders, knees, back, or neck. Ustrasana asana must be practiced when your bowels and stomach are empty.
#5 Throat Chakra | Supported Shoulderstand (Salamba Sarvangasana)
According to ancient Hindu tradition, the throat chakra is the energy center that is responsible for verbal communication.
The throat chakra can also have an impact on all of the following:
- your ability to be heard;
- the quality of your relationships;
- how well you handle confrontation or conflict;
- whether you live an authentic life;
- your emotional honesty.
Salamba Sarvangasana is the right pose for balancing the throat chakra. The Sanskrit name for this pose, “Salamba Sarvangasana,” comes from 5 words:
- “Sa” — translating as “with”
- “Alamba” — translating as “support”
- “Sarva” — translating as “all”
- “Anga” — translating as “limb”
- “Asana” — translating as “pose”
Salamba Sarvangasana is an inverted yoga pose that stretches the back of the neck while strengthening the spine and core muscles. Also, it relieves all internal organs from the effects of gravity.
Tip – do not perform Salamba Sarvangasana unless you have the supervision of an experienced instructor or sufficient prior experience.
#6 Third Eye Chakra | Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
Located on the forehead, between the eyebrows, the third eye chakra is the center of foresight and intuition. Once the third eye (also known as Ajna) chakra is in harmony with the rest of the chakras, it is said that a doorway towards spiritual enlightenment is opened.
Sukhasana can help to balance the Ajna chakra. Sukhasana is one of the most basic poses used in meditation and yoga practice.
Easy pose calms the mind and is known to be therapeutic for stress. Furthermore, Sukhasana lengthens the spine, opens the hips, and promotes inner calm.
Tip – avoid Sukhasana if you have knee and hip injuries, or if they are both inflamed.
#7 Crown Chakra | Corpse Pose (Savasana)
The seventh chakra is located at the top of the head. It is the seat of cosmic consciousness and connects us to Divine intelligence and Divine grace.
Savasana is effective for balancing the crown (also known as Sahasrara) chakra. Savasana is traditionally practiced at the end of a yoga sequence since it provides a necessary counterpoint to the effort you put forth during yoga practice.
Tip – if you have low back tenderness, a rolled blanket under your knees may help to bring the pelvis into a more comfortable position.
References https://www.bustle.com/p/the-one-yoga-pose-you-should-practice-for-self-care https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/02/190221095111.htm
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As a founder and chief author at InsightState.com, Bulgarea Candin helps readers on their spiritual journeys. His writings are designed to inspire creativity and personal growth, guiding readers on their journey to a more fulfilled and enlightened life.