If you have been on the internet for more than 5 minutes, you’ve probably come across the phrase “twin flame” before. However, you may have dismissed it as the same as “soul mate” because people use the two terms interchangeably.
But, they are not the same thing. Twin flame love goes further than soul mates.
What Is a Twin Flame?
A twin flame is essentially your own soul split into two physical bodies.
Other terms for this are a “mirror soul” or someone’s “other half” which more aptly describes the essence of a split soul.
It’s worth remembering that twin flames do not have to be someone with who you fall in love and start a romantic relationship.
They can be friends and/or relatives too.
Soul mates, on the other hand, are people who are very suited to each other as super close friends or a couple.
Why Do Twin Flames Exist?
Twin flame love is rooted in spiritual growth and the role of such a relationship is to ignite your soul.
This will allow you to heal, remove life’s blockages, and enable you to track down your true self.
However, the relationship can be challenging at times.
Because in the awakening of your soul, you expose your insecurities, darkest fears, and other qualities that you might find hard to face up to.
Consider twin flames a mirror into your true being.
Whoever you are will reflect back at you from your twin flame love.
List Of 15 Sure-Fire Signs You’ve Met Your Twin Flame:
#1 You Trust Each Other
If you tell your partner a secret early on, and they are faithful to you and keep it private, it builds a level of trust which will only grow over time.
If they prove themselves trustworthy early on, then this is a good sign for the future and that he is your twin flame.
#2 You Seem Connected Even If You’re Separated By Great Distances
It is simple to illustrate this point; it is when suddenly you feel anxious and give them a call and it turns out they were having a bad time, or you receive a call just when you were thinking about them.
Occasionally, connections are not only physical, but almost magical in their nature.
#3 You Feel Safe With Them
I’m not just referring to physical safety, but mental and emotional safety as well.
You trust them, you don’t question their love, you know they are and always will be honest with you.
You don’t doubt their level of commitment to the relationship, you can be at your most vulnerable and exposed moment and know, without a doubt, that that they will stay even when things get ugly and rough, and that they will be there to help you pick up any broken pieces when it is been a tough day.
#4 You Can Be Together In Comfortable Silence
Your bond is so strong that you don’t need to know what’s going on in your partner’s head every single moment.
Because you know he is not thinking about your flaws when you are silent. And neither are you.
Instead, both of you are focused on your tasks in peace since you are comfortable with each other and feel surrounded by love.
#5 You Have Similar Values About Alone Time
Everyone needs alone time now and then.
If you want more alone time than your partner — or vice-versa — you need to come to a compromise so that you are both satisfied and no one feels purposefully neglected.
If you and your partner are both on the same page about how much alone time is appropriate, then this is a small sign that he or she is your twin flame.
#6 You Have The Same Kissing Style
Kissing is how most sex usually starts and having the same kissing style is essential in determining sexual compatibility.
Although there are many different styles of kissing, most people stick to the one that feels natural to them.
In a twin flame relationship, your kissing styles match so that you form certain synchronicity through mutual pace, rhythm, and oral wetness.
According to Gordon Gallup, a scientist from the University of Albany, the frequency of kissing in a long-term relationship is a good barometer of the wellbeing and health of that particular bond.
#7 You Agree On The Big Issues
You don’t have to have identical tastes and opinions, but on important issues like politics, religion, parenting style, and your general life goals, you are going to need understanding and agreement, if not the exact same positions.
In a twin flame relationship, you typically have similar views on these aspects.
It’s often pretty heavy to cover these topics at the start of a relationship, but you should spend the early stages of getting to know each other uncovering some of her stances on these issues.
#8 You Don’t Try To Change Each Other
You don’t start dating someone because you like “a” and “b” about them but plan on changing “c” and “d” later on down the road.
You’re dating them because you love who they already are and who they will ever be.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that some things don’t need to change, however, both of your mentalities should never be “how can I make this person better fit for me?”, rather “how can I better myself for this person?”
#9 You’re Both Authentic With Each Other
Whereas many people go through life holding back major pieces of themselves from everyone else, and only sharing what they want to be seen — when you find your twin flame, they really can ‘see’ you.
You will feel comfortable to be yourself and feel loved and accepted, without any pretense.
And this will create a precious opportunity to have truly honest communication and to share fears, love, and hopes without judgment.
#10 You Make Mutual Decisions Like A Team
When you truly love someone you want to involve them in all the decisions since it will affect your relationship and both your individual lives.
You understand each other’s apprehensions, work as a team, soothe the deep-seated fears which come up, and then arrive at a collective decision.
Note – you collaborate since you care deeply about the other person’s well-being as well.
#11 You Communicate Without Words
Using words is the most obvious method to communicate, but it is not the only way.
A look is enough for your twin flame to know what they want or what’s happening.
There is no need for grand gestures when you are already in tune with each other.
READ MORE: Signs You’re a Highly Spiritual Person
#12 You Both Want The Best For Each Other
Because your relationship is built on mutual respect and love as well as a deep spiritual connection, the other’s happiness is important to both of you.
READ MORE: Spiritual Meaning of White Roses
#13 You’re A Team
You know you’re in a twin relationship if you feel more like a “we” than an “I,” no matter what life brings — since you know you have each other.
READ MORE: What Is A Mystic?
#14 You’re Affectionate In Private & Public
Touch (e.g., locking arms, holding hands, touching lower back while walking) is a very vulnerable experience, as well as kissing, and couples who touch are usually more connected emotionally.
And touching for twin flames is not conscious. It’s just something they do.
READ MORE: Soulmate vs Twin Flame
#15 You Create Emotional Intimacy
Emotional intimacy is the closeness you share together. You feel secure and free to express your vulnerabilities and fears without being demeaned or shamed.
Also, you have a high level of openness, transparency, and trust between you based on your intense connection.
Images credit – Shutterstock
READ THIS NEXT: Twin Flame Telepathy
References https://medium.com/the-true-purpose-of-twin-flame-connections https://www.udemy.com/manifest-your-twin-flame/
Colleen Matarico
Thursday 18th of July 2024
I met my twin flame almost 2 years ago. My life has never been the same since. He’s the only person that I have accepted completely without any judgment. He led to my spiritual awakening. This has been the most craziest yet beautiful experience in my life and I’m thankful to the universe.
Monday 22nd of June 2020
Explained beautifully, what you have put, I would call soulmate? But I like the term twin flame 😊