Did you know that your skin is the largest organ of your body?
It is, in terms of both surface area – about 2 square yards, and weight – between 6 and 9 pounds.
Your skin also separates the inside of your body from the outside world. It holds body fluids in, preventing dehydration, protects you from viruses and bacteria, and keeps your body temperature even.
In addition, your skin expresses emotions detectable by others through coldness, pallor, warmth, redness, or sweating.
Skin disorders vary greatly in severity and symptoms.
They can be permanent or temporary and may be painful or painless. Some skin conditions are minor and others can be life-threatening. Some have situational causes, while others may be genetic.
Spiritual Meaning and Emotional Causes of Acne
Acne, medically known as Acne Vulgaris, is a skin disorder that causes pimples when the passageway that links the skin’s pores to the oil glands becomes clogged. Acne is not just pimples on the face; it’s blackheads, nodules, and cysts, too. Occasionally, it is found on the chest and back.
Acne can affect people of all ages and races. It most usually affects young adults and adolescents, although there are adults in their fifties who still get this skin disorder.
More than 90% of the world population is affected by acne at some point in their life.
An estimated 62 million people in the United States have acne with about 22 percent of the effects people have some type of acne bad enough as it results in scarring on the skin.
The costs associated with the lost productivity and treatment among patients who sought medical care for this skin condition exceed $1.4 billion every year.
Certain medicines, such as lithium or corticosteroids (an anti-inflammatory medicine), can cause acne to develop.
Moreover, the acne and milk effect is well documented in the medical literature. In the last decade or so, numerous studies have found a strong connection between the consumption of milk and an increased occurrence of acne.
If you suffer from this skin condition, it is a clear sign that something inside you, which you have been suppressing out of insecurity, fear, or shame, is trying to break through and become visible: chronic feelings of perfectionism, embarrassment, guilt, or shame.
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Spiritual Meaning and Emotional Causes of Psoriasis
This is a skin disease that causes scaling and swelling, frequently thick red skin patches with silvery scales are seen. This happens due to the fact that in this case, the skin is reproducing ten times faster than normal skin.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), in the US, psoriasis affects approximately 7.5 million incidentals. Also, there are over 160,000 new cases per year. In the United Kingdom, the prevalence of psoriasis is estimated to be around 1.3 to 2.2 percent.
Furthermore, around three percent of the world’s population has some type of psoriasis, according to the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations.
It appears on different parts of the body such as the knees, elbow, back, scalp, and other places too. This disease most likely has a genetic component, as nearly 50% of patients have family members with psoriasis.
Some other triggers known to impact psoriasis symptoms include – injury to the skin (scrapes, cuts, severe sunburns, bug bites), stress, certain medications (such as lithium, antimalarial drugs, high blood pressure medications, and iodides) or infection (such as thrush or strep throat).
According to research, 10 and 30% of individuals with psoriasis also develop psoriatic arthritis, a condition that features red patches of skin topped with silvery scales.
A spiritual cause of psoriasis can be over-reacting to a perceived threat.
Also, when psoriasis patients are overwhelmed, they’ll become self-critical and judgmental to the point of creating self-destructive behavior.
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Spiritual Meaning and Emotional Causes of Vitiligo
Vitiligo is a skin condition in which the cells that produce skin color (melanocytes) no longer function correctly. Also, some of the cells are attacked by the immune system.
This skin disease can affect the hair, inside of the mouth, and eyes.
In the majority of cases, the affected areas remain discolored for the rest of the individual’s life.
This disease is not transmittable, therefore, it is not contagious, people cannot catch it from each other. The average age of onset of the condition is in the mid-twenties, however, it can appear at any age.
People with the condition may be more likely to get other autoimmune diseases, like – diabetes, hypothyroidism, Addison’s disease, pernicious anemia, and alopecia areata.
The worldwide prevalence of vitiligo is estimated to be 0.5 to 2 percent of the population. According to current studies, as many as 7.5 million people in the United States have psoriasis.
It occurs with similar frequency in all ethnic groups.
Spiritual causes of vitiligo include a fear of losing, or of not finding, one’s identity and role in life and a lack of self-love (as this skin condition is an autoimmune disorder).
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Spiritual Meaning and Emotional Causes of Skin Cancer (Melanoma)
Skin cancer is the most frequent type of cancer in the U.S. More than 3 million cases of this serious skin condition are diagnosed in the U.S. every year. Also, 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70.
Two more severe forms of skin cancer are squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell. Fair-skinned people have a greater risk than brown- or black-skinned people.
This is because the pigment in darker skin gives greater protection to the skin.
Ultraviolet radiation (UV) from the sun is the main cause of skin cancer, but the ultraviolet light from tanning beds is just as harmful.
Other causes of skin cancer include:
- scars from burns or disease;
- repeated X-ray exposure;
- occupational exposure to certain chemicals.
It is very usual for individuals with skin cancer to have a long-standing tendency to suppress negative emotions, especially anger. Commonly beginning in childhood, this individual has held in their hostility and other negative emotions.
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Healing Affirmations For Skin Diseases
”I am healthy and whole.”
”I am relaxing. My body is relaxing.”
”I love and approve of myself and I trust in the process of life.”
”Every part of my body functions perfectly.”
”I love and approve of myself. I am loving and lovable.”
”I respect my body and I respect myself.”
”I have naturally healthy and balanced skin.”
”I listen to my body’s messages with love.”
Images credit – Shutterstock
READ THIS NEXT: Spiritual Meaning of Itchy Skin
References https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology/fullarticle/1105449 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/09/28/acne-sufferers-live-longer https://www.pmg-research.com/studies/facility/salisbury/facial-acne
Sunday 30th of December 2018
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