Just as our Universe has natural laws such as motion and gravity, there are also spiritual laws that govern all the energy.
These laws are called the 12 universal laws. The Universe exists in perfect harmony with these Laws.
Each of the 12 Universal Laws is very powerful, and they all work together, all of the time, to create your life, whether you know you are working with them or not.
As you gain a fuller understanding of the laws, you will see how they are all related and overlap each other, and govern the world we live in.
While reading this list of laws, I ask you to keep an open mind and see for yourself how these can relate to your own life.
These universal truths apply to you no matter where you are in life or what mistakes you’ve made in the past.
So read them, apply them, and watch the magic happen in your life!
12 Universal Laws of Abundance and Prosperity:
Law #1 – The Law of Divine Oneness
Everything that exists, seen and unseen, is connected to each other, inseparable from each other to a field of divine oneness.
We are all brothers and sisters with a divine nature, and our every action will affect another person in some way, whether this is happening directly or indirectly.
According to Amit Ray:
“We all are so deeply interconnected; we have no option but to love all.”
Law #2 – The Law of Vibration
Modern scientific studies in quantum physics have proven that the Universe and everything in it is pure energy vibrating at different frequencies.
Our thoughts, feelings, visions, desires, dreams, emotions, words, and will attract and resonate with energies with similar frequency levels.
Amit Ray once said:
“It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much attention you have received or how much money you have gathered. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters.”
Law #3 – The Law of Action
The Law of action states that you must perform the actions and do the things necessary to achieve what you are setting out to do. Success doesn’t just happen, but it will happen when you put in your effort and being persistent.
This does not mean you need to struggle, but you do put in attention and effort to manifest your intentions.
From personal experience, I can say that by taking the first step, you will always get closer to your aspirations or dreams.
Mahatma Gandhi said:
“The future depends on what you do today.”
Law #4 – The Law of Correspondence
This law says as it is on the inside, so shall it be on the outside.
In other words, your outside world is reflecting back to you exactly as you are on the inside. For instance, a positive attitude will enable you to perform better in any area of life.
It also says that if you don’t like the world in which your living, it’s up to you and only you to change it.
According to The Kybalion, a book claiming to be the essence of the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus:
“Just as a knowledge of the Principles of Geometry enables man to measure distant suns and their movements, while seated in his observatory, so a knowledge of the Principle of Correspondence enables Man to reason intelligently from the Known to the Unknown.”
Law #5 – The Law of Cause and Effect
Every action, thought or word, has an equal and opposite reaction or consequence. “We reap what we sow.”
Vera Nazarian said:
”Karma is not an inviolate engine of cosmic punishment. In reality, it is a neutral sequence of acts, results, and consequences.”
READ MORE: What is The Law of Karma?
Law #6 – The Law of Compensation
When we talk about this Universal Law of Compensation, we are talking about any blessing given to us in return for our deeds, our words, our thoughts, or feelings.
For instance, when you are the source of peace, love, joy, trust, and abundant generosity, you will also be the recipient of those gifts.
Marianne Williamson, an American spiritual leader and author, explained:
”The Law of Divine Compensation posits that this is a self-correcting and self-organizing universe: the embryo becomes a baby, the bud becomes a blossom, the acorn becomes an oak tree.”
Williamson continued:
”Undoubtedly, there is some invisible force that is moving every aspect of reality to its next best expression.”
Law #7 – The Law of Attraction
The law of attraction states that every positive or negative event that happened to you was attracted to you.
Every time we think a thought, every time we speak a word, the Universe is listening and responding to us.
Moreover, this Universal Law of Attraction states that people and their thoughts are both made from energy and the belief that similar energies attract each other.
Charles Hammel said:
”It is the combination of thought and love which forms the irresistible force of the law of attraction.”
Law #8 – The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
This universal law states that whatever you spend your time thinking about, whatever you dwell on, whatever you worry about will someday appear into the physical form.
For example, your positivity or negativity will sooner or later surface into your life regardless of whether you want it to or not.
Higher vibrations always have the power to consume and transmute lower vibrations. That is a major key to attracting what you really want.
Stephen Richards declared:
“There’s nothing mysterious about Cosmic Ordering, it’s simply a method used to transmute thought into reality.”
Law #9 – The Law of Relativity
This law states that everything in the Universe possesses a polar opposite. Nothing in our lives has any meaning unless it relates to us.
Everything that exists in this physical world only does so because of its relationship with something else. Quit comparing yourself to others and be grateful for what you have, and you will start attracting that which you want faster.
Also, stop the daily useless mental chatter that poisons you with insecurities and doubts and start focusing your attention on what you want, if you want to change your life.
Life happens for you, not to you.
H.P. Lovecraft said:
“Prosperity is a relative thing, and the victory of a boy at marbles is equal to the victory of an Octavius at Actium when measured by the scale of cosmic infinity.”
Law #10 – The Law of Polarity
The Law of Polarity states that everything that exists has an opposite.
Dark and light, love and hate, happiness and sadness, health and sickness, success and failure, one cannot exist without the other. Without one, the other would not exist, and one is created out of the absence of the other.
Polar opposites all work together for the greater good. We need only to understand this Universal Law and appreciate this fact.
Markus W. Lunner said:
“A fish will not truly learn to enjoy water, without gasping for air.”
READ MORE: Spiritual Awakening Signs
Law #11 – The Law of Rhythm
Everything in the Universe vibrates and moves in certain rhythms.
These rhythms form the patterns and cycles we see in our lives. Each cycle reflects the regularity of the Universe.
With this awareness, we can preserve and eliminate the negative impact and keep yourself to raise on top of the challenge.
Deepak Chopra wrote:
“Our biological rhythms are the symphony of the cosmos, music embedded deep within us to which we dance, even when we can’t name the tune.”
READ MORE: What Happens After Death?
Law #12 – The Law of Gender
The last Universal Law states that everything in nature has a feminine and masculine. It takes both sides to create or to produce in nature.
Additionally, all our hopes and dreams, all our goals need a period of gestation and growth before reaching maturity. Persistence and patience are essential to succeed in any endeavor, and many give up right before the goal is reached.
Ray A. Davis wrote:
“Patience is not passive waiting. Patience is active acceptance of the process required to attain your goals and dreams.”
Images credit – Shutterstock
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References https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8200672.Ray_A_Davis https://www.biography.com/personality/deepak-chopra
jeff berry
Sunday 10th of April 2022
awesome information for a positive mental attitude development ,A is want is thinks in his or her mind and actions
Monday 17th of January 2022
I think I will just stick with the 7 Universal laws outlined in the Kybalion.
Nema M Vagh
Wednesday 15th of July 2020
The laws are truly soul searching. If one can abide by them then you are blessed with abundance undoubtedly.
Putta suresh
Sunday 18th of August 2019
Thanks for giving excellent laws of univers, which are useful for human growth and happiness
Saturday 3rd of October 2020
These Laws of the Universe are shown to those who are on their path to enlightenment. They are each shown and displayed in high detail over time. How it relates to you personally is what makes it a "defining moment" and has high potential to greatly expand one's personal knowledge. It is something that sets this individual apart. After receiving this hidden knowledge and understanding how each affects the other they then become gears (cogs) all working beautifully and all connected in One.
Tuesday 2nd of April 2019
Dear friends, I am very happy to find the 12 universal laws portrayed in, "insightstate.com website are excellent, and beyond any comparison. I love them, because am reminded of the ancient Vedic hymn, yadbhavam tadbhavathi" which says, "a man the way he thinks his future will be". This is very much needed in the present world to unravel the greatness, from the world renowned ancient scriptures, be it any country, to follow for the well being of our present generation, and the generations to come. Because with the advent of the internet, the world with all the countries has become in to a single family like, "Vasudaika Kutumbam". It should be every body's endeavour to, "invite the noble thoughts from all the sides" for the betterment of oneself and the society at large, as depicted in the ancient vedic hymn, "anobhadra kratavo nastu". I thank you all, and request you to spread these 12 golden laws to as many of your's near & dear as you can. -ramana [[email protected]]