WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dream) is one of the most powerful ways to have a lucid dream. This method works best after a good sleep for about 6-10 hours. So, before you start the process, it is necessary to be fully awake and not sleepy.
The goal is to pass directly from the waking state into a dreaming state, without losing your awareness. While DILD relies on memory and certain habits through which the dreamer increases his chances of becoming lucid, WILD is a meditative process in which the dreamer is an active witness to the formation of the dream.
WILD technique is considered the most direct way to have lucid dreams, but also the hardest.
Preparation for Wake Induced Lucid Dream
Choose in advance the night in which you want to try WILD and make an important event out of it. Think about it all day and believe you will succeed.
Choose a quiet environment, somewhere you are not easily distracted. The right time is critical for a WILD. Most lucid dreams occur during rapid eye movement (REM sleep), when brain activity is higher. After a WILD, you will enter a long period of sleep during rapid eye movement.
The best time for a WILD is during the last hours of sleep, when REM cycles are close and last the longest. You can find out the most suitable time for you by writing down in your journal the moment you have woken up during the night and you have noted a dream. Start the WILD 20 minutes before the REM cycle.
For example, if your clearest dreams were between 4:30 and 5:00, start the WILD at 4:00 or 4:15. It is not recommended to try this method immediately after you go to bed. You can do everything right, but you may not have an available dream in which to enter.
Lie down (on your back) and start by closing your eyes and by sitting in a comfortable position. The goal is to become so relaxed that you forget about your body. You’ll get into a deep state of trance that will let your body fall asleep, while you remain less aware.
If thoughts keep on coming, calm them down. Let every thought pass. When your mind is quiet, tell yourself: “The next thing I will see will be a dream” or “The next thing I will experience will be a dream.”
Focus on breathing. Breathe slowly, calmly and comfortably. You can even count how many times you have inspired and expired. Move your attention to your feet. Feel how they relax and how they dip into bed. Now move your attention on your face. Feel how the facial muscles relax. Relax your neck and let your head dip into the pillow.
When you feel weak and comfortable, start imagining how the body moves from left to right, or up and down. If you experience annoying tingling, scratch it and return to what you were doing.
When you feel relaxed and thoughts begin to fade, it’s time to sleep. Return to your sleeping position. It’s time to distract your attention from the body. It is relaxed, comfortable and ready to sleep. You do not need it for now. It is time to move into your mind’s space.
Now, the goal is to completely forget about the body. Continue to count, only instead of concentrating on breathing, visualize each number. Try to see just like your mind’s eye does. If you want, imagine the numbers on the clock or as if they are written on a blackboard … or something similar.
Try to see how they change. If you lose count, start again from the last number that you remember. Counting loss is a good sign that you fall asleep.
Your thoughts will go crazy. You will find yourself thinking about strange things or unwanted fragments of dreams. If you get lost in these images and let them take hold on you, you’ll fall asleep. You must remain conscious while they appear. Remember that it is a dream and imagine how you do a reality check.
If there is no dream in sight, you can induce it yourself. Imagine something that comes easily to mind, which is familiar and touchable. For example, you can imagine how you walk through your own house, touching the walls or the cold door handle. Try to do everything as real as possible.
Remain calm. Try not to sleep until the next REM cycle begins. Hoping you have synchronized everything perfectly, you should not wait long. Continue to imagine yourself doing reality checks and remembering that the next thing you see will be a dream.
When the REM cycle occurs, you will have hallucinations in forms of geometric shapes, faces or lights. Some people hear sounds (whispers or buzzing). Sometimes hallucinations are mostly physical. You will feel pressure on your body, strong electrical vibrations or feelings of motion.
These hallucinations can be very compelling and surprising. You are the witness of the sleep process. If something unexpected wakes you up, calm down and return to what you were doing. It is part of the process and it will not destroy your attempts. You will return quickly into the trance state.
Entering the dream
During the REM cycle, a dream will begin. It is possible that one of the images that you’ve built in your mind to expand in a dream. During the first few seconds, remain calm and follow the dream. Become a participant in these scenes as they will become your new reality. Touch everything near you.
Investigate everything around you. Look at your hands and rub them together. You want to become physically present as well within the dream. Try to walk, touch a nearby wall or get down and touch the floor or the ground. If there are other characters present, talk to them.
If you are taken out of the dream, don’t give up! Close your eyes and imagine the scene from which you were removed and you will return to it. It can be a smooth transition or you can be removed from the dream several times.
- You can hold your breath in order to get out of the sleep paralysis.
- Once in a dream, do not get too excited and change everything at once. Walk around and quietly explore the landscape. The dream will become blurry and will disappear if you are too excited or too bored. To prevent this, rub your hands together or try to spin.
Common mistakes in practicing W.I.L.D.
Sleep Paralysis. The body is paralyzed during the REM cycle. During a WILD you can become aware of this paralysis and feel stuck, without being able to move.
This paralysis during sleep may be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations or panic. If this happens, keep calm and realize that you are already asleep in a dream. Paralysis occurs during the REM cycle, so you have achieved your goal of being aware within this cycle. It’s time to distract from your body and enter the dream.
Swallowing problems. If you have trouble swallowing, try a different position. If you sit on your back, add a pillow (or as many as you need) or press your chin against the chest. Also, you can try sitting on the side.
Eye twitching. Some people notice that the eyes move or try to open as they enter the REM cycle. If you have this problem, try wearing a sleep mask. Light pressure on the eyes can keep them closed.