Ratnasambhava Mantra – Complete Lyrics
Om ra tna sa mbha va tram.
More Information
He is one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas (or”Five Meditation Buddhas”) of Vajrayana in Tantric Buddhism, each associated with a cardinal direction.
Ratnasambhava’s mandalas and mantras focus on developing equanimity and equality and, in Vajrayana Buddhist thought is connected with the attempt to destroy greed and pride.
His consort is Mamaki and his mount is a horse or a pair of lions. His wrathful manifestation is Gundari.
In addition, He is frequently included in his retinue is the worldly dharmapala Jambhala.
The first documented mention of Ratnasambhava Buddha is found in the Arya Suvarnaprabhasottamasutrendraraja Mahayana Sutra (Sutra of Golden Light) and in the Guhyasamaja tantra (4th Century CE), and he subsequently appears in a number of ancient Vajrayana writings.
The most elaborate account of him is to be found in the Panchakara section of the Advyavajra sangrah.
He is also mentioned as one of the Buddhas worthy of praise in the Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra:
“Again in the past, immeasurable, incalculable kalpas ago, as many as the grains of sand in the Ganges River, there appeared in the world a Buddha bearing the title of Ratnasambhava Tathagata. Any man or woman, hearing the Buddha’s name and showing respect to him, will soon attain the stage of an Arhat.”
Ratnasaṃbhava Buddha is associated with the skandha of feeling or sensation and its relationship with consciousness. His activity in promoting Buddhism is enriching and increasing knowledge of Dharma.
He is associated with the jewel symbol, which corresponds to his family, Ratna or jewel. Furthermore, in artwork, He is usually portrayed in the mudra of giving.
He is commonly colored yellow or gold. In addition, He is associated with the element earth, the heavenly quarter of the south, and the season of autumn. Moreover, His cardinal direction is the south. Lastly, His buddha-field is known as Srimat.
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Chanting Benefits Of Ratnasambhava Buddha Mantra
This Buddhist mantra would be recited by conscious practitioners as a method of paying homage to Ratnasambhava Buddha. In Vajrayana tradition (a form of Buddhism that probably originated from the Mahayana tradition), He is associated with the attempt to destroy greed and pride.
Also, his activity in promoting Buddhism is enriching and increasing knowledge of Dharma.
More importantly, He has an associated seed syllable, tram. This syllable is considered a condensation of the mantra and operates as a representative sound for Ratnasambhava. This seed syllable is often carved into objects as a method of devotion.
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