What is the spiritual meaning of pain in body parts?
Diseases are caused by much deeper factors, and most often, they are related to the emotional nature.
The seeming healing of disease determines its migration to another segment if the problem is not understood and acknowledged.
The body accumulates toxins due to wrong movements, bad food, bad physical, emotional and mental state.
These toxins are stored in specific areas of the body, especially in the wrists, lymphatic system, internal organs, and head.
If the body, mind, and environment have proper functioning, our body eliminates these toxins.
The internal means of disposal include the intestinal tract, liver, kidney, bladder, and body fluids.
Some toxins are eliminated through sweat glands, but if something goes wrong here, the body eliminates toxins through the skin.
If, for some reason, toxins can’t be removed, the body’s balance of toxicity increases until it develops into a disease.
The first step towards the disease can be tension … on all levels! If the body can not release its tension, then the internal organs become intoxicated and ill.
Spiritual Meaning of Pain In Body Parts – Complete List
It is the pump of the cardiovascular system, with four rooms, two on the right, which are linked to the lungs, and the two on the left, which are connected to the rest of the body.
The heart receives deoxygenated blood through the right side and pumps it into the lungs.
Oxygenated blood returns from the lungs to the left side, and from there, it is sent to the rest of the body.
The emotional blockages we experience are stored in the emotional body, in the heart’s area: regrets, sorrows, sadness, loss of an object or a loved one, fear, sadness, rejection, abuse, or any other hurtful feelings, fear, certain blockages due to unfortunate love experiences, or imbalance between giving and receiving.
They bring air into the body for it to be absorbed in the blood, also discharging the blood of toxic gas.
In the emotional body, lungs store emotional blockages, such as anger, fear, and lack of vitality.
These are the underlying causes of asthma. Coughing is a reflex that tries to eliminate the pain caused by emotional trauma.
It receives the food and is responsible for the process of digestion, preparing the food for the small intestine. Digested food that leaves the stomach and goes into the small intestines is called chyme.
Blockages at this level of the emotional body include old rules and ideas (from family or school, colleagues, teachers, priests, doctors, and so on).
It represents the materialized anger, “biting” from the stomach.
Tremors in the stomach come from fear and anxiety.
Indigestion is caused by thoughts, crusted feelings, and ideas that no longer belong in the individual’s life, fear of change, and fear of being disapproved.
It fills the abdominal cavity and is bordered by the large intestine, receiving partially digested food from the stomach and using the secretions of the pancreas and liver to digest it.
It is about 6.7 to 7.6 meters (22 to 25 feet) long. The small intestine is responsible for digesting peptic substances, including vitamins.
If one often gets angry, one accumulates aggression within the body which may cause inflammation of the small intestine.
It absorbs water, vitamins, and minerals, also including the appendix. The large intestine is ascending to the right, crossing, and descending to the left.
It stores emotional blockages in the abdomen, in the area of Hara – an energy center: unexpressed feelings of fear, anger, and innocence.
If the brain can’t remove or solve certain problems, it stores them in the energy area of the abdomen.
It is the largest organ and is responsible for a variety of chemicals and transformations.
The blood brings nutrients to the liver, which converts hydrocarbons into fats and proteins. The liver produces cholesterol, and stores vitamin A, B12, and iron.
It removes toxic substances from the blood. At its level, there are emotional blockages, such as anger and fear, stored here for a long time.
It lies just below the liver. It collects the gall secreted by the liver.
The gall helps digest fats, making them soluble in water so that enzymes can decompose them.
Stored emotional blockages in the gallbladder include anger turned into disgust and depreciation.
It secretes enzymes, which, once into the small intestine, help digest carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It also produces insulin.
The pancreas is considered an endocrine gland whose function can influence other hormones.
Emotional blockages stored here include the feeling that something is missing in life, dissatisfaction with life, the fact that you didn’t get where you wanted, the absence of salt and pepper of life, its glitter.
There are also people who store excesses of kindness and gentleness.
It is a lymphatic organ filtering the blood and operating within the immune system.
The spleen is located between the ninth and eleventh ribs. It is the largest organ in the lymphatic system.
Emotional blockages stored here: emotions caused by unfinished problems due to relationships in the past, a person’s death, losing a job, a lifestyle that keeps you tied to the past.
They keep the chemical and electrolyte balance of all body fluids, also maintaining the water level in the body and processing the blood plasma.
Kidneys also maintain the balance between acids and alkalis in the body.
At this level, there is an energy center shock-trauma that can generate hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system, leading to a large release of adrenaline.
The adrenal and kidneys also play a role in healing the autoimmune system.
This region of the body is treated in case of shock, trauma, illness, surgery, emotional imbalances, stress of any kind, allergies, lack of vitality, and automatic fear responses.
It is the location of the body’s command center and also the place where we design our life.
Balance in the head is vital for an overall balance: mental, emotional, and physical.
Most often, headaches or migraines are repressed feelings that cause imbalances, while the conscious part attempts to find the cause for which things are not as they should be.
They are related to inner sight, feelings, and hearing (linked to the third eye or the center of clairvoyance).
Not being noticed by others, not seeing others’ wishes, not wanting to see just what is under your nose (presbyopia), or in long distances (myopia) are some of the feelings stored here.
Eyes are connected by channels to sinuses, where tears are stored. Eyes are also linked to the ovaries, uterus, testicles, and prostate.
“Listen to others before being heard.” Ears are related to blood pressure, overall balance, and clarity.
At this level, blockages occur due to the fact that we don’t or don’t want to hear something.
READ MORE: Spiritual Meaning of Ear Infection
THROAT (larynx)
It is the center of speech and personal verbal expressions.
Emotional blockages at this level are caused by the suppression of words or ideas, thoughts, or beliefs.
These blockages occur when one doesn’t say what one should, talks too much, or brings sensitivity to silence.
READ MORE: What Does A Sore Throat Mean?
It verbalizes and expresses. Blockages at this level are caused by ideas, words, thoughts, or beliefs that remain stuck in your throat, you ”choke” on your words.
They can also be caused by not saying what you want to say or talking too much.
Emotional blockages in this area are related to the pressure and responsibilities you carry, which weigh heavily on you.
Furthermore, they are related to narrow-minded people, the lack of others’ help, or an overly rigid thinking pattern.
Constipation is caused by repressed feelings of anger, fear, or guilt.
Diarrhea is caused by the removal of old feelings, thoughts, and ideas that have not been confronted or resolved.
This area stores hatred against men and general issues related to birth, miscarriage, abortion, rape, fear, guilt, and anger about sexuality.
The urinary bladder is a muscular sac in the pelvis, just behind and above the pubic bone.
It stores feelings of anger and guilt linked to sexuality.
If your prostate becomes inflamed, tender, and swollen, you have a condition called “prostatitis.”
It can cause pain at the tip of the penis, in the groin area, or in the lower back.
It is related to feelings of guilt regarding sex, rage against women, feelings of helplessness, and lack of support.
They are the body’s support system, usually storing feelings of anger and fear (manifesting as lipid deposits), the sense of vulnerability, and a lack of protection (lack of deposits).
They are responsible for thinking flexibility and safety (support) in life.
The left knee is responsible for internal emotional support. The right knee is related to external emotional support, which is given by the job, money, and friends.
The mother’s support is stored in the left knee, while the father’s support is stored in the right. Parents who have reversed roles will reverse symptoms in the knees as well.
Its connection is about thinking, analyzing, understanding, and the question “Why?”
They are related to attitude (what we express by our attitude). Storing feelings here depends on whether we are able to stand up for ourselves and others, to be a role model for others, and to feel spiritually fulfilled.
The foot contains projections of all the organs in the body, which also is related to the practical sense of life.
READ MORE: Healing Your Feet
The right shoulder carries the weight and responsibilities regarding family, profession, and world issues.
The left shoulder carries internal emotions, responsibilities for one’s own physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental life, as well as the responsibility for growth (development) in these areas. This area also stores feelings of guilt.
READ MORE: Emotional Cause of Shoulder Pain
The right side stores anger, imbalances due to excessive generosity, trivial upsets, resentful feelings, and other repressed emotions, such as self-blame.
The left side stores feelings of sadness, the loss of a loved one, sorrow, loss of things, and guilt.
Most often, the left side resonates with excessive receiving, without giving enough in return.
It stores anger, unverbalized feelings, sex-related stress, and barriers that separate you from the opposite sex.
Blockages in this region are also linked to survival, activation of kundalini, fear of success, fear of life, and fear to act.
Effective healing methods include:
- lymphatic drainage;
- Reiki (or other energetic technique);
- breathing techniques;
- reflexology;
- phytotherapy;
- yoga;
- aromatherapy;
- homeopathy (the practice of medicine that embraces a holistic approach to the treatment of the sick);
- plant-based foods;
- walks in nature.
READ MORE: What Your Back Pain Is Trying to Tell You
Hips represent the use of free will in order for a person to find his own way in the material plane. Therefore, a hip problem highlights the lack of use of one’s free will and not having a clear purpose in life.
Pain in the hips indicates the fear of making important decisions.
READ MORE: Spiritual Meaning Of Hip Pain
The desire to be punished, guilt, and victim mentality.
Here Is The Connection Between Your Emotions and Organs:
- Liver – anger;
- Kidney – fear;
- Lungs – sadness;
- The spleen – worry;
- Heart – sorrow.
Images credit – Getty Images
READ THIS NEXT: Spiritual Causes and Meaning of Diseases and Conditions A-Z
References https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/pdf/nl10_nine.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1305900/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5267452/
Thursday 7th of July 2022
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Tuesday 21st of June 2022
Hands are in every image, but they are not discussed as a body part with spiritual meaning here. I wonder why this is.
Thursday 15th of September 2022
@Insight State's Editorial, anything about wrists?
Insight State's Editorial
Wednesday 22nd of June 2022
We made an update about arthritis in the fingers.
Donna Machado
Monday 7th of February 2022
Totally disappointed that there wasn’t more about pain and noise in the head!
Wednesday 4th of August 2021
Such a great article! What does pain in your spine mean?
Sunday 27th of September 2020
I’m so impressed with this article and happy to read it at the same time that finally i start to understand all the problems and struggles i had for the past few years with my health that really connects to it, amazing!! I will start to change my lifestyle from now on, THANK U!!👍