Use of alcohol and tobacco can increase the risk factor for oral, head, and neck cancer. Men are three times more prone to develop oral, head, and neck cancer than women.
People over 40 are at higher risk for neck and head cancer. Inadequate care of teeth and mouth can be the reason for neck and head cancers. The signs and symptoms of oral, head and neck cancer may vary.
Some prominent symptoms of neck and head cancer are:
- Sore throat
- Lump in neck, throat or nose without or with pain
- Unexplained weight loss
- Dysphagia (trouble swelling)
- A white or red patch in the mouth
- Headaches
- Trouble breathing
- Persistent congestion or nasal obstruction
Symptoms of Oral Cancer
- Consistent mouth pain
- Consistent mouth sore
- Voice change
- A red or white patch on tonsil, gums, the lining of mouth and tongue
- Weight loss
Prevention Tips for Oral, Head and Neck Cancer
Two major risk factors of oral, head and neck cancer involve the use of alcohol and tobacco. Tobacco can increase the hazard of a secondary tumor. Here are some prevention tips to decrease the chances of the neck, head, and oral cancer.
Stay away from Tobacco
The tobacco can increase the risk of head, neck, and oral cancer. Both smokeless and smoking tobacco can directly cause these cancers. Snuff, smokeless, and chewing tobacco can create leukoplakia (gray-white ulcers) in the mouth. It may become tumorous. Smokeless tobacco contains chemicals that can damage your gene. This gene is necessary to protect you against cancer.
Note – according to statistics, around 85 percent of neck and head cancers are linked to tobacco use.
Decrease the Use of Alcohol
Excessive use of alcohol can increase the risk of different cancer. By drinking alcohol with smoking, you are increasing the chances of cancers. Alcohol can change the chemistry of your body and hurt its defense system against cancer.
Consumption of over 3.5 drinks per day can increase the possibility of oral cancers 2 to 3 times. Make sure to avoid excessive use of alcoholic beverages and smoking. These can multiply their side effects.
Visit Your Dentist Regularly
Dental hygienists and dentists can notice the growth of cancer cells. They can catch things during a routine examination. Sometimes, they refer you to visit ear, nose, and throat specialists. To eliminate the chances of cancer, you should visit your dentist regularly.
Protect Your Lips from Sun
Lip cancer is associated with ultraviolet radiation (UV) from sunlight. If you work in the prolonged exposure of the sun, you may develop lip cancer. People with a history of sunburns may need extra care with their lips. Similar to skin, lips are sensitive to the sunlight.
Make sure to limit your sun exposure during peak hours. Always wear a hat with brim or scarf to protect your face from the sun. Use sunscreen regularly to protect your lips and screen from the sun. Choose a sunscreen with sufficient SPF (sun protection factor).