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Upper Lip Twitching Spiritual Meaning

While upper lip twitch is seen as a classic example of how humans use micro-expressions, it essentially means so much to its energy changes, emotional cues and messages hidden in the fact that they are symbolic.

The placement on our physical truth body can carry subtleties of messages, and through my witnessing this I have found that these placements tend to contain powerful pieces in the process of unveiling.

Upper Lip Twitching Spiritual Meanings:

The energy of our bodies is inextricably connected to our emotional and spiritual well-being.

Upper lip twitching may also be caused due to unresolved emotional tension within you.

Our lips play a primary role in communication, and when our lips twitch, it may be one of those things that we are not trying to speak out but need an expression.

It is known that the body reveals what we do not say.

In this case, an upper lip twitch could indicate anger as well as desires not voiced or even conversations that never took place.

With the benefit of hindsight, I have observed how seemingly small indicators like this twitch can be indicative of long-term emotional or spiritual disconnect.

Spiritually, the lips are how we express our truth to others.Upper Lip Twitching Spiritual Meaning

If this area is twitching it might mean that we need to speak from the soul and speak in as aligned a way with our speaking authentic voice (the 5th chakra) or even re-evaluate what words have recently been sent out into an environment.

Bottling up our actual sentiments will quite effectively block the energy motion and can be responsible for those little twitches or even pain.

The conflict between what we feel and what we say creates an imbalance and pushes us to rebalance.


An interpretation of the twitching from a spiritual perspective is that it shows your way of dealing with irritation and anger.

When angry, our mouth or lips are where we hold the anger, which makes us grind our teeth or speak harshly.

A spasm of the upper lip reflects a spiritual demand to suppress and treat this anger.Upper Lip Twitching Spiritual Meaning

When this power is not expressed healthily, it can manifest physically as twitches.

At a more profound level, the jerking is an alert for taming one’s soul and redirecting frustration on more useful roads.

When the emotions are bottled up, for example, anger is pushed aside; what happens instead?

Perhaps this twitch is the hint that time has arrived to contemplate what was spoken, what remained unsaid and where depths of silence are left shrouded.

Communication is a two-way street wherein we do not just say whatever pops into our heads.

The Heart

Symbolically, the twitching of the lip can also represent a layer in spirit, and that is about expressing something from the heart.

It is those words unspoken of the heart that have a habit of popping out through these little signs.Upper Lip Twitching Spiritual Meaning

Our lips are our doors to the feelings of your heart, and the upper lip, in particular, will twitch if there is a contradiction between what you feel inside versus how you can speak.

The twitch in the upper lip can tell you that your words are not linked to your truth or maybe what is really being felt from within.

This can mean spiritually that maybe there is something within yourself to look at a deeper level. Perhaps this heart wants to be listened to.

There are many wise sayings from the heart —by way of muscle twitching like those sudden twitches.


We are energetic in our communication, and every word we speak vibrates.

The upper lip twitch tells me we are out of alignment with the energy backing our words and the intention being released.

These incongruencies that arise between what we say and our deeper meaning can build up as subtle physical dis-ease.

As such, twitching in the top lip can serve as a reminder to align our words with truthfulness, and voices resonate at higher levels of comprehension.Upper Lip Twitching Spiritual Meaning

This essentially indicates that on a spiritual level, it refers to what we should first come back and talk about or things inside of us ought to be balanced.

When something is said out loud, it has power. And when what was spoken isn’t the energy of the body feels that discord.

It was our misalignment to live this truth every day that bubbled up as irritation, which started twitching and pushing us, demanding that we pay attention simply because of the words.


When your upper lip twitches, take that as a signal for balance and harmony in communication.

In a spiritual sense, the lips are our means of verbal communication and how we voice concerns to others. 

Spasms are subtle reminders from the body, revealing spiritual disharmonies that beg to be addressed as soon as possible.

Think of a time you have been relating to others in this way and felt that twitch on the top lip.Upper Lip Twitching Spiritual Meaning

Kind words or harsh statements have escaped your lips lately.

The twitching might be a push to take it easy with your exchanges.

Good words

Another spiritual significance to an upper lip twitching is associated with satire in speech.

Our body mirrors internal turbulence; an uncontrollable eye twitch, in this case, can indicate that there may have been bad or unpleasant communication lately.

Your body may also be telling you spiritually that the energy of your words must become more healing and beneficial. Kind words can heal; harsh words are wounds. 


The practice of guarding one’s speech is fundamental to many — if not all—spiritual traditions.Upper Lip Twitching Spiritual Meaning

If your upper lip is twitching, it may be a signal that you can’t say particular things. 

On a broader scale, this twitching serves as an alarm indicating that we must speak more intelligently and thoughtfully.

A well-armed tongue speaks the wisdom of words, as weapons can rise and cause them to fall.

A twitch may be an indication that your body is trying to tell you something, and the message being sent might well mean it is time for a little critical thinking on what it was/you were about to say.


The upper lip twitching reminds me of a deep spiritual learning that has to do with words.Upper Lip Twitching Spiritual Meaning

The more words are said, the closer to healing or the farther from grace one is; a twitch in the lip often marks an inflection point. 

In my experience, the twitching form was anything but random.

It is for times when we yell too loud or without consideration of what to say.

When we misuse words, the body replies in small signals that look like a twitch.


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